Online4EDU Infographic highlights research results
12.08.2015 - Common online collaborative tools are only used infrequently or never by a large proportion of surveyed teachers. Even the most common used tools - mobile devices - are used never or less than once a month by almost 60% of teachers. These results of the Online4EDU research efforts can be seen in the new Online4EDU Infographic.
The infographic visualizes infrequent and sporadic use of online collaboration tools across the population of teachers. Confidence varies between tools, but even for ubiquitous tools such as mobile devices and social media, on average more than 40% of respondents were not at all confident or only a little confident. This level of confidence indicates that there is a very substantial cohort of teachers who lack the confidence to use even common online tools in the classroom.
The results displayed in the infographic underline the necessity for further education in this field, because of the relatively low level of skills and confidence demonstrated. The Online4EDU training and certification programme will meet the need and offer a comprehensive training for teachers.
Download the Online4EDU Infographic here.
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