"Online4Edu" war ein Projekt der Stiftung Digitale Chancen in 2014 - 2016.
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Why e-Participation should be taught in schools?

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Active political participation on the Internet is becoming a more important way of political activism in the digital era. It is a fast way to communicate with political actors and institutions despite distances. But in order to profit from participatory tools, citizens must be aware of the tools and they must know how to use them. Therefore the new project E-UROPa was launched that promotes digital tools for political participation. On the 07th of May 2015 the European e-Participation Day will be held in 12 countries.

For school education online participation in politics is a sustainable topic that combines two major influences of the future: politics and digital media. Politics and political participation is an important part of the education system. Pupils get prepared to become active citizens and understand the structure of governments and mechanism of governance. Therefore online participation must become a part of the political participation.

Furthermore, e-Participation teaches pupils the beneficial side of the Internet. Young people are mostly very literate in the usage of digital media and use them already for school works and leisure time. Online tools for political participation bring politics close to the pupils and their way of handling life, namely online.

Learn more about the project E-UROPa and the activities of the e-Participation Day in your countries: www.euparticipation.org

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